TFT Set 6 : Guide de la composition Protect the Jhin

It is already time to relearn with gadgets in madness, the set 6 of TeamFight Tactics. A new set that brings a lot of mechanics, and a horde of champions that must be controlled. You feel lost in front of this task? Do not panic, we have prepared guides for you to easily take charge of the compos. And here is the composition Protect The Jhin for the TFT set 6. What are the champions to recover in priority? What objects covet with carousel? Who are your carrys? All the info you need to play the Compo well in the lines that follow.

Then update: 02/11/2021, Patch 11.22

Composition information Protect The Jhin of TFT Set 6

Positioning Champions on the tray


When leaving on the Protect The Jhin composition?

As the name suggests, the composition revolves around Jhin. But it looks more like an assembly of champions to put it in the best conditions. As long as you have a Jhin stuff, you can arrange this compo.



Care and shields of the enchanters are stronger, and all allies are gaining magical resistance. (2) 20% Care bonus and shield, 20 magical resistance (3) 25% Bonus at Care and Shield, 35 Magic Resistance (4) 30% care bonus and shield, 50 magical resistance (5) 40% care bonus and shield, 75 magic resistance


All routes have an increased attack speed and earn the speed of attack for each hextech optimization you have. (2) 1 0% Attack speed, + 5% by increase (4) 25% Attack speed, + 10% by increase (6) 50% attack speed, + 15% by increase


The stars point to the spotlight on a point of the battlefield. The unit that stands under the lights of the projectors at the beginning of the fight gains unique bonuses. (1) 15% Additional damage (2) 5 Mana per second (3) 30% omnivampirism


The bodyguards earn bonus armor. A little after the beginning of the fight, the bodyguards cause adjacent enemies. (2) 100 armor (4) 200 armor (6) 3 5 0 Armor (8) 500 Armor


At the beginning of the fight, a number of incomplete components of the ferraler champions is transformed into full object the time of the fight. In addition, the rail champions won a shield that increases for each object equipped in your army. (2) 1 incomplete component, 20 PV (4) 3 incomplete components, 35 PV (6) All incomplete components. 60 pv


Snipers inflict bonus damage for each hexagon between them and their target. (2) 8 % damage by hexagon (4) 16% damage by hexagon (6) 30% damage by hexagone


All allies retrieve Mana every 2 seconds. (2) 5 Mana (4) 1 0 mana

The PERFECT 100HP Game?! - TFT SET 6 Guide Teamfight Tactics BEST Comps Beginners Builds Strategy (6) 20 mana


Yuumi attaches to the ally closest to her at the beginning of the fight. If it is no longer attached to anyone, it attaches to the ally whose PV are the lowest after a brief interruption. This link gives the ally a shield equal to a portion of the PV Max yuumi, and Yuumi comes off if the shield is broken. When attached, Yuumi can not be targeted or attacking, but she earns mana every second and whenever the ally attacks.

start of part

Priority Objects

How to play the composition?

• The composition is inspired by both previous sets. A stronger unit than others - here Jhin - with the most support possible to protect it and booster.

• Voila why you can adapt the compo champions depending on what you find, but also your needs. There, a version with many costing units 4 is offered, but the compo can also turn with more or less expensive units.

• On the other hand, it seems difficult to do without Braum, as it is effective in the front line.

• Taric brings the spotlight, and you have to place Jhin or Braum under these. If you can not operate your bonus, you can replace it with Lulu.


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