Candy Crushcast: # 586 with Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard
Last week, a quake has shaken the Games industry - Microsoft has bought Activision Blizzard for whopping $70 billion. This now includes brands like WoW, Overwatch, Diablo, but also Call of Duty or Candy Crush for software Giants from the USA. Of course, we have to talk about it in the Candy Crush cast 586. Karsten and Phil discuss what the Games' industry in general, but also Wow and the other IPS of Blizzard in particular means.
Of course, the Game Pass and a possible recording of Blizzard games like Wow in the Game Pass play a big role. Could that happen, and what would it mean for the Blizzard players? Watch the owner of the PlayStation 5 soon in the tube when it comes to games from the Universe of Activision Blizzard?
WoW Patch 9.2 & Classic
In the end, the two speak briefly over how patch 9.2 and when this will finally appear. The takeover of Limit by Team Liquid is briefly addressed before Karsten is still reported on the end of the Road to Ragnarok. This event now ended with the Kill of Ragnarok by the Guild HC Elite in Hardcore Mode of WoW Classic. Or is this now the Road to Nevadian?
The new episode listen directly here!
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Candy Crush cast 586
00:00:00 Welcome 00:00:37 Microsoft Buy Activision Blizzard - WTF? 01:25:24 WOW Patch 9.2 01:39:20 Road to Ragnarok
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