Nintendo and Global Panda found the first official competitive circuit of Smash Bros Ultimate and Melee

After PlayStation bought Eves rights, the largest tournament of fight titles in the world, the community of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee did not know what would happen with both deliveries in the competitive world. Now, Nintendo himself raised his hand, and joined forces with Global Panda, famous ESPORT organization in the United States, to create the first official circuit of both titles.

We are proud to announce our alliance with Nintendo Panda Global will be at 2022 when we will see in action what the large N is planned for both titles. Games like Street Fighter V and Taken 7 have their respective competitive circuits supported by Cap com and Banzai NAMC, respectively. Probably, we will see something similar in this case.

For now, the details are practically non-existent, but according to the words of Global Panda, we will have more news about this series of events with cash prizes. We are proud to announce our alliance with Nintendo, he mentioned the ESPORTS organization.

NINTENDO & PANDA MADE WHAT??? (An Official Smash Bros Circuit!)

This is extremely important for the Smash community, because for those who do not know the story, the players have asked Nintendo to support the competitive side of both deliveries of the saga. Although we have had SMASH presence in several tournaments, this will be the first circuit complete that the company will support.

This will give you more presence to the franchise in 2022, because according to the words of its creator Mahavira Samurai, the next delivery of Smash Bros could take a lot, and you are not thinking about a sequel. Next year will also have multiverses attention, the Warner Bros proposal within the genre of fighting on platforms.


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