Top 5 Mistakes Repeat Free Fire Player Rank

Ranking the tier in Free Fire is a difficult process, because the points need to be effectively grind the points to rank fast.

Rank Push Free Fire requires them to make strategically progress, more murders and survive in matches. It may take an easy task, but it is quite difficult because a silly mistake can lose user games and important points.

By moving the rank in Free Fire, they make many mistakes.

Free Fire: Avoid these mistakes while pushing the rank

1) moving towards hot drops

There are many Poi on the map that claims to loot quite good. Gamers prefer to fall from these places to make grip on good loot. However, gamers often go to these places, and therefore, acute activities are very often.

To get a better chance to survive in Free Fire, they should avoid going to these sites at any cost.

2) Do not use useful items

Free Fire offers several useful items such as the walls of the grenade and glue. They are very important because they help players to avoid difficult situations and damage the opponents without shooting.

Users often forget to use these items and only depend on weapons and ammunition. For an effective rank push, they should effectively use these resources in the free fire.

3) get out of the safe area

In the shrinking safe area, gamers need to move forward all the time. By staying out of the retreat area, they suffer loss, but the gamers often get out of the circle and when the zone seems to shrink then they are forced to run.

Hidden enemies in the circumference of the circle can easily eliminate those who escaped to the safe area because they are weak and easy targets. Players should avoid staying out of the zone for a long time and should make it a point to go to the next circle over time.

4) Do not study the map properly

Provide a lot of vegetation for free Fire Maps Gamers. There are somewhere barren land, so there are trees and shrubs at other places.

Gamers often look at the nearby areas and start running themselves while making themselves insecure.

Behind the trees or behind the rocks and buildings, the enemies can easily kill users if they do not check the area and maneuver randomly at the other point from one point.

5) Highlight the location in the final area

Players need to maintain a silent profile in the last area. There are only a few handfuls alive in this part, so stay secret is the best way.

Gamers often get out of hiding places and expose themselves with enemy pills. To get hold of victory, they should maintain a silent profile and move forward while bending or speaking.

_ Note: This article reflects the author's ideas ._

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