Survey reveals an increase in online harassment towards African Americans, Women and Asians

Unfortunately, playing online always represents a risk, especially in competitive games where voice communication is enabled. Of course, there are native tools and functions of each game that allow you to report and block whoever you want, but this is only a partial solution to the enormous problem that is online toxicity.

A recent survey of ADL , a company specializing in polls, has revealed that during the last year there has been an increase in harassment towards women, African Americans and Asians who play online constantly.

How to Enable Voice Chat Red Dead Redemption 2 Specifically, it was surveyed 2 thousand 200 Americans with an age limit of 45 years; 550 of between 13 and 17 years old. Basically, 83% Adults admits that they have suffered from harassment in online games in the last six months, while this figure drops to 60% As for adolescents.

In the case of women , one 49% revealed having suffered any type of harassment in online games, a figure that increased a 8% since last year. On the other hand, one 42% of the African-American players admits having been harassed online, which represents an increase of 11% compared to last year. Last but not least, one 38% of Asian players reveals to have suffered this same type of treatment, an increase of 12% with respect to the previous year.

In this same survey there is also talk about the doxing (when someone filters your information provided) and the infamous swatting (when someone sends the police to your home under false charges). In the case of doxing an increase of up to 22% was reported, while in swatting was one 20% . In 2021, these figures were 13% and 12%, respectively.

What are the most toxic games? According to data thrown by this survey, 42% of respondents reveals having witnessed this type of game behaviors such as valorant and call of duty , to the point that many of them have decided to abandon them completely due to the toxicity.

