Fallout 76 now offers unique worlds with crazy rules

The new update for Fallout 76 brings fresh wind into Postaapokalyptic online role-playing game of Bethesda. Because Fallout Worlds explore you special worlds in which completely new rules apply to Appalachia. There is the difference between user-defined worlds and public worlds. Only members of Fallout 1st have access to the former, but thus get the complete creative freedom.

Custom Worlds in Fallout 76

If you use the premium model Fallout 1st , you can use different versions of the game world with different controllers and modifiers, which also open up to seven other friends. The individual settings include:

Spawn certain opponents and creatures nearby Building structures in normally locked areas, also with custom altitude limit Unlimited ammunition and no reload - here it still means holding down the trigger of the gun. Weather effects for fog, radiation and quantum storms Special PVP rules and difficulty skill Ragdoll Physics (how very opponents are bleed by attacks), jumping height and case damage is allowed to control.

Public worlds: Thematically adapted

Who has no Fallout 1st or does not want to tinker something yourself, can simply rely on the public worlds of Fallout 76 (Buy Now). These provide the possibilities of custom worlds by offering thematically adapted experiences. In the trailer for the update we see examples as the world Butcher s Delight , in the V.A.T.s. No AP costs, infinitely ammunition is activated and the dismemberment of the opponents is screwed on the maximum.

Are you looking in these modified worlds? Can you do without such cheat modes and prefer other updates for Fallout 76? Or are you avoided the Bethesda game anyway?

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