Eve Online: Gateway Update is there - the MMO wants

This is a selected checklist of enormously multiplayer online role-playing games. MMORPGs are huge multi-user games that occur in continuous online globes with a fantastic number of various other gamers. In most MMORPGs each player manages a character that communicates with other players, finishes jobs to gain experience, and also obtains products.

When it comes to the oldest, still ongoing online role-playing games, a name is not missing at all: Eve Online went live in June 2003 and is now regularly supplied by CCP Games. Over the past 18 years, Eve was always talking about the community outside the community, due to the impenetrable complexity, the epic, record-breaking room battles, where thousands of players participated , and the unique community.

EVE Online - starting the Gateway quadrant More about: Eve online and its community - what other developers can learn from CCP

Already in the past, the developers, genre-typical, always attempted to attract new players in the world of their MMO oldies - for example, in 2016 with the Free2Play conversion . The recent measures have even been implemented only with the last update - which we are with the actual topics of these news.

Quadrant 3: Gateway is online and the developers promise: Never was the time so cheap to start with EVE, continue to play or pick up the game! With the freshly published and upcoming innovations and improvements, CCP Games wants to be namely focus mainly on the gaming experience for new players. Here are some of the implemented measures:

A brand new, history-based training experience should introduce freshly baked pilots into the world of Eve Online (Buy Now 29.95 €). Here you get to know your characters, which first teach you the essential, so how you control a ship, a fire battle survives, earned money and a lot more. For the training experience, the developers have optimized other areas of the game, for example, as far as markings in the user interface or more dynamic graphics are concerned. These improvements should also benefit other current and future content. The new skill plans should guide you through the complex skill and progress system while helping to make the right decisions. With the update, the distribution of resources was adjusted. In New Eden, the availability of ice has doubled and also Mercoxite is available again in larger quantities. Eve Online will appear on September 23 in the Epic Games Store. The third quadrant of the year will only run shortly. In November, new players and veterans are to start in the fourth quadrant: Corporations and Alliances should conceive gateway as an opportunity to recruit new capsule pilots with wisely new capsule pilots and to train them until the start of the next quadrant so that their ships and materials are ready for the new beginning !

See all 22 pictures in the gallery

Eve Online: Official Screenshots from the Quadrant 3: Gateway update. (1) [Source: CCP Games]

The heart of Eve online are as always his players , so Bergur Finnbogason , Creative Director of Eve Online. With Quadrant 3 we open the Gateway for new players in Eve Online - with the start of the NPE, the new entry-level experience for prospective capsule pilots. I am already looking forward to how the new players will help to help EVE in the for coming years to shape!

More information about the update and the innovations is your on the official website of Eve Online .

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