Call of Duty Vanguard: Multiplayer officially introduced - the trailer and all details

In a 30-minute presentation, we received a detailed impression of this year's Online Part. All essential details you can read here.

As already known, the players get offered in contrast to the previous year, equal to release a comprehensive map package. For the traditional game modes are 16 cards to choose from, while for the new Champion Hill mode, four cards are offered.

In addition, another mode is introduced Patrol. Here you've got to always be in a zone stop points, which is rotated permanently on. The team that is staying the longest in the zone wins the match.

New and old familiar systems implemented

Completely new is the Combat pacing system . So the gameplay should fail tactical. Here you have three categories to choose from: Tactically, attack and lightning. In a normal 6v6 game you decide on tactical. Who wants it more difficult is best to attack. If it is to go with high player numbers rapidly to the point, selects her flash. Should you be on variety, you can also try all three categories during a game.

A clan system has also been introduced. Each clan is characterized by its own progression, emblems and other rewards. Of these, all members will benefit.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with the armorer a system of returns. The upgrade slots were increased at select weapons from five to ten places and thus provide a more tactical game experience than the offshoot of Infinity Ward. The shields will return.

In addition, you will be able to use two melee attacks: In addition to a knife you can the bayonet attachment your weapon with a blade equipped. The Akimbo variant will be available and provide an effective means in close combat.

The support anything else feature is included. However, you will be doing this time back and forth movement can. The Blind Fire is also new and you will know from one or another tactical shooter.

destructible environments breath of fresh air

Dynamic environments are designed to provide further more tactical approach. Certain doors and walls can turn to surprise sedentary players. Through the exchange of fire dust can be stirred up, which may make it difficult to view. In general, the battlefield will have visible traces after the end of a game.

The well-known perks are back at the start. You may you ever been on new skills and field upgrades are happy.

Thanks to a detailed history and individual awards, the operator should appear even more vibrant. Your personality is thereby brought even better expressed. In addition, each operator will have a favorite weapon. Should you play with it, you will benefit from additional experience points.

About the upcoming beta, you can inform yourself here:

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First scenes from the multiplayer you are allowed to look at you below. Those who want to watch the entire presentation, find these under the trailer.

Further news about Call of Duty: Vanguard.

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