Fortnite: How to delete whole squads with the Greif-O-Tron

Due to the last addedFortnite Update 17.30, a new gadget was added to the Arsenal. It is the Greif-O-Tron. How best to use this portable gripper and whether it is already worthwhile, you will learn here.

What can the weapon: The Greif-O-Tron came with the patch 17.30 in Fortnite and is nothing more than a portable gripper in the alien look. With him, your items can lift, move and throw.

Do not be fooled by its size, the Greif-O-Tron can not only raise dog cows and small stones.

NEW Arsenal Gamemode! (Fortnite Battle Royale)

You can even grab entire rock formations or a vice and throw your opponent at will.

Where can I find the Greif-O-Tron : You will find you with a little luck in chests around the map distributed. These can be normal, rare or chests in the UFO's. Hold your eyes open, the chests are relatively common.

How did I use the Greif-O-Tron and does he also have negative aspects?

The best possible applications are: If you use the Greif-O-Tron, you should remain rather behind your mates and as support the opponents a truck in front of the face or to their buildings thunder.

Or you attack a huge rock and uses this as a protective wall and can pretend.

Since the weapon can even extinguish entire teams in some moments, as demonstrated in the video from the Reddit User "Gamerthost", the weapon simply makes a mood to try it myself.

In the video, the Reddit User shows how to use the weapon in the optimal case, so as to collect multiple kills at once. However, since this was adjusted in creative mode, it is already guiled that you can not reach that so easily in the match and that's why you need good luck.

The negative aspects: You should also remember that not everything on the Greif-O-Tron is great. One requires the device for a very long time to optimally align the selected item to effectively skid. During this time you are simply prosperous to the opponent.

In addition, the weapon sometimes does not work as it should. You intervene a rock formation and want to throw them, but as the rocks are so big, they can not be thrown far enough and just roots around without getting the real goal with force.

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Conclusion: In itself you can safely achieve a few cool Fortnite moments with the Greif-O-Tron and achieve one or the other kill, but: whether he will prove himself, must first show.

Above all, since her with the Greif-O-Tron occupies a complete item slot, which may be better occupied with a good shotgun or a solid assault rifle. The Greif-O-TRON currently feels like a funny gadget and not like an essential weapon needed for the final victory.

What do you think about the Greif-O-Tron? Do you find that she is a useful bauble or would you rather have to leave away and to insert another, more useful weapon? Write what you think about it or if you have also crowned teams with it.

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